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Heliconia's Weblog @ Malaysia

Melayu Akan Menerajui Empayar Islam

Entries Index

Julai 2013
  1. Lawatan Mahabbah Masjid Negara ke Baitul Barokah
  2. Email Untuk Wartawan MEDIA PRIMA Wan Noor Hayati
  3. Entries Index Updated – Arkib tentang Kelab Taat Suami dsb..
  4. Dialog ‘Imaginasi’ Perisikan Yahudi Terkini (IV) – Transkrip Soal Siasat
  5. Berita dari Global Ikhwan, Papua Indonesia
  6. Transkrip ISU AKIDAH – Legasi Al Arqam : (TV Al Hijrah 17/7/2013
  7. Ulasan (Respon) Kepada Sebaris Ayat JAIS
  8. ‘Dealing” dengan Allah Untuk Memanjangkan Umur – JAIS
  9. Lagi Respon Terhadap JAIS – Isu Akidah Al Arqam
Jun  2013
  1. Delegasi Mongolia mahu jawapan kematian Altantuya
  2. Wartawan Media UMNO
  3. Tanda Kejatuhan Berita Harian
  4. Bank Tuhan : Labur Satu Dapat Sepuluh
  5. Konsep BANK TUHAN : Selamat Datang Ke PentadbiranKu!
  6. Masjid Negara turut menyumbang kepada Rumah Amal
  7. Taubat Tarhil – Versi Bahasa Inggeris
  8. Perjuangan JAKIM : 81 Rumah Amal Dana Sebar Ajaran Arqam
  9. Berita tentang Rumah Amal Giching, Sepang di Utusan Malaysia 21/6/2013
  10. Dakwah GISB Diterima Baik Di Thailand
  11. Kalah Lagi ?….Di Sebalik Pembatalan Ekspo di Jitra 20-22 Jun 2013
  12. Foto-foto Ekspo & Hiburan Islam GISB di Thailand
Mei 2013
  1. Website Terbaru Global Ikhwan Sdn Bhd
  2. Kerajaan Ghaib Bakal Mengambil Alih Pemerintahan
  3. Keputusan Poll Ke 3 : Abuya Ghaib Sebagai Pembantu Imam Mahdi?
  4. Rasulullah Masih Berperanan Di Akhir Zaman
  5. Sajak Untuk Bonda Ummu Yang Dikasihi Sempena Ulang Tahun Yang ke 59
  6. Akhbar Malaysia Fanatik Sebar Khabar Negatif GISB Tanpa Selidik
  7. Selamat Pulang ke Malaysia Ummu! Bagaimana Nasib Malaysia?
  8. (Reblog) – 13 Mei : Perkauman dan Kebenaran
  9. Soft Launching – Blog POLITIK ISLAM SEJATI
  10. TV Nur Muhammad – Remaja GISB Australia
  11. Video Penuh Profile GISB di YouTube (English Subtitles)
  12. Hanya ‘Imam Mahdi’ Sebenar Yang Tidak Akan Dipancung….
  13. Sebahagian Bukti Siapa Bonda Ummu Hatijah Di Sisi Abuya
  14. Nasyid dan Sajak.Mp3 di Heliconia’sMusic BOX
  15. Apa Alternatif (Selain GISB)? – Tanya Ummu Jah : Buletin Rakyat 15/06/13
April 2013
  1. A Letter to the Vatican
  2. Live Dari Bangkok – TV Nur Muhammad
Mac 2013  ———— BREAK————–
Februari 2013
  1. Padang Pasir Mekah Mula Menghijau.
  2. Pengumuman : Buku Catatan Sejarah Rasulullah Cetakan Ke 2 Bakal Dipasarkan
Januari 2013
  1. Abuya GHAIB – Teknologi Islam !
  2. Mana Ada Orang Mengaku Bertemu Rasulullah SAW Melainkan Ianya Benar!
  3. Poll ke 3 : Abuya Ghaib Sebagai Pembantu Imam Mahdi?
  4. Inilah Perutusan Rasulullah SAW kepada Vatican (Repost)
  5. Kehidupan Nabi SAW Di Alam Barzakh
Disember  2012 ———— BREAK————–
November 2012 
  1. Berita Semasa Yang Tidak Berapa Semasa
  2. Taufan JAIS bodoh, Taufan Sandy Pandai
  3. Al Arqam telah cuba menarik anak saya’ – Mashitah Ibrahim
  4. Mawlid at Tamimi di YouTube (Bahasa Inggeris)
  5. Soft Launching Blog – Penjara Qanater : Bukti Kebesaran Putra Bani Tamim
  6. Harian Metro 23 Nov 2012 – Pengikut Taksub Pegangan Al-Arqam
  7. Surat Terbuka Untuk Saudara Zawawi Aman
Oktober 2012
  1. Dunia Hari Ini Amat Memerlukan Seorang Nabi
September 2012
  1. Abuya, Saiyidi dan Malaikat
  2. Kekasyafan Cikgu Ma’arof Sarpan : Keyakinan Terhadap Perjuangan Akhir Zaman
Ogos 2012
  1. Global Ikhwan Profile in English
  2. Download 4 buku dari zaman Al Arqam
  3. Roh/Hati sebagai ‘Handphone’ Untuk Berhubung Dengan Tuhan
  4. Doa Perjuangan Imam Mahdi (with Translations)
  5. PRU13 Tak Jadi? – Analisa Politik Malaysia Dari Pandangan GISB
  6. Khutbah Aidilfitri 1433H – Global Ikhwan Sdn Bhd
Julai 2012
  1. Kekuatan GISB menyamai kekuatan sebuah negara?
  2. Soft-promotion Laman Web auradmuhammadiah.wordpress.com
  3. Yakin Abuya Ghaib Bukan Soal Akidah
  4. Bayangan CD Korporat Profile GISB – Terbaru ( UPDATED! )
  5. GISB Profile in English
Jun 2012
  1. Promosi Web Bilingual ‘The West On The Brink of Death’
  2. 14 Soalan untuk Ummu Jah dari Editor Buletin Rakyat
  3. Jawapan Soalan 1-3 Buletin Rakyat
  4. Jawapan Soalan 4 – 14 Buletin Rakyat
  5. Risalah Seks Suci Islam (I)
  6. Risalah Seks Suci Islam (II)
  7. Sajak Untuk Golongan JP : Pakcik ‘Samir’, Jufran’, ‘Din Melaka’, ‘Hasnul’ dll
Mei 2012
  1. Ulasan Poll ke 2 – Pandangan Tentang Imam Mahdi
  2. Buku ‘Barat Di Ambang Maut’ & ’7 Wali Melayu’
  3. Catatan Agen Q – Melihat dengan Mata Hati
April 2012
  1. Halalkah sembelihan lembu Australia yang ditikam di dada? Juga ayam Satun, Lahar-Yooi dan HPA.
  2. Komik ‘Rindu’ Kurun ke 15 Hijrah
  3. Sir, you’ll be missed more than you know
  4. Catatan Agen Q – Maria Samira Marwan
  5. Datin Seri Rosmah jangan takut pada tohmahan – Ummu Jah
Mac 2012
  1. Bersedialah Untuk Mati
  2. Dunia Hari Ini Amat Memerlukan Seorang Nabi
  3. Misteri Ngauman Aneh di Langit (Sky Roar) & kaitannya dengan Dajjal
  4. Selamat Datang Ke PentadbiranKU: (Isu ‘tarik duit’)
  5. Catatan Agen Q – Belajar Bahasa & Alkohol
  6. (III) Pandangan Serong Masyarakat Melayu Terhadap Perjuangan Abuya Imam Ashaari Muhammad at Tamimi @ Syuaib bin Soleh
  7. (II) ‘Pandangan’ Seorang Muallaf Cina Muslim tentang HUDUD
  8. (I)Pandangan Seorang Muallaf Cina Muslim terhadap Melayu.
  9. If our beloved Prophet is present (physically) amongst us
  10. (IV) Kekuatan Sebenar Bangsa Melayu Adalah Islam
  11. Mari Baca Bulletin NurMuhammad online !
  12. Berita Minggu ‘promosi’ TVRSA terbitan jemaah Abuya
  13. Menteri arah pantau saluran TV internet Al-Arqam
  14. (V) Kehebatan Bangsa Melayu Terserlah & Kesimpulan
  15. Mereka meminta kebaikan, tetapi tidak diberikan-’nya’..
  16. New Poll : Pendapat anda tentang Imam Mahdi
  17. Tuhan, Jangan Tinggalkan Aku. mp3
  18. Operasi Menawan Eropah – (Khususnya German)
  19. Condolences Message For the passing of YM Ku Raja Ashman from Sheikh Hisham Kabbani
February 2012
  1. Islam sebagai satu persembahan: Lonjakan kehidupan berkahwin melalui seks yang lebih baik.
  2. Seks, Agama dan Keharmonian Yang Sebenar – The Star 27 January 2012
  3. OWC Official : The Prophet is the leading figure who elevates the status of women 
  4. Rasulullah saw Tokoh Seks Suci Islam – Oleh Kelab Taat Suami
  5. Mari Berpesta Selawat sempena Maulid Rasul Tercinta
  6. Rasulullah SAW The Leading Figure For Sacred Sex – By Obedient Wives club
  7. Bila Seks Suci dianggap kotor…
  8. Catatan Agen Q – Siapakah Aku?
  9. Jawapan oleh Kelab Taat Suami Singapura – Azman Ari
  10. Surat Rindu Kepada Rasulullah SAW
  11. Respon kepada soalan saudara ‘razif’ tentang Fatwa JAKIM
  12. Antara mukjizat Rasulullah SAW
  13. Rasulullah SAW nabi akhir zaman yang terus berperanan…
  14. Merci Mon Dieu – A Concert in Paris
  15. Keputusan Poll 1 – apa pandangan anda bila mendengar perkataan ‘seks suci’
  16. Website Bulletin Nur Muhammad dlm B.Malaysia dan B.Inggeris
  17. Bersedialah Untuk Mati
  18. Dunia Hari Ini Amat Memerlukan Seorang Nabi
  19. Loo Joo Yee gadis Cina yang memeluk Islam – TV Al Hijrah
January 2012
  1. Jumpa dan Berbual-bual dengan Tuhan
  2. Jadikanlah diri kita di kalangan yang menjadi kerinduan Rasulullah di akhir zaman..
  3. Dunia Menunggu Penyelamat
  4. Operasi menawan Eropah (Khususnya England)
  5. Obedient Wives Club in London
  6. Gereja Evangelical juga mula memperjuangkan ‘seks suci’
  7. About Heliconia Weblog : 2011 in review – delayed
December 2011 ———–   B R E A K ——————-
November 2011
  1. Pengharaman buku termahal di pasaran yang sukar ditemui
  2. KTS tidak akan meluahkan kemarahan di atas pengharaman buku panduan seksnya.
  3. Seksualiti Merdeka (truncated)
  4. Tsunami II – Bab 6 – Betulkah Abuya Ashaari PBT (Satria Piningit )?
  5. Satrio Piningit menurut Prof Dr HM Kusno Kromodiharjo
  6. Dapatkan 8 lagi buku minda Abuya Ashaari Muhammad
  7. Tsunami II – Bab 7 (Akhir) : Aceh Kini Tidak Berperang Lagi
  8. Pengalaman Aneh Kehidupan Abuya Ashaari Muhammad
  9. Bantuan-bantuan yang diterima Abuya Ashaari sepanjang perjuangannya
  10. Mesti Baca : Buku Catatan Sejarah Rasulullah SAW
October 2011
  1. Masjid Lampuuk (Keajaiban Tsunami)
  2. Kapal PLTD Apung (Keajaiban Tsunami)
  3. Kenyataan Rasmi GISB tentang Buku Tsunami II
  4. Kapal Nelayan Lampulo (Keajaiban Tsunami)
  5. Tsunami II : Bab 5 – Aceh Hancur, Islam Bangun
  6. Post popular sejak 3 bulan lalu
  7. Kempen Seks Suci Islam – Muqaddimah
  8. Eksklusif : Kelab Taat Suami terbit buku seks. Menjawab Berita Harian !
  9. Buku ‘Seks Islam’ mendapat liputan internasional.
  10. JAKIM – mungkin mengenakan tindakan ke atas KTS
  11. Skandal Seks Pemimpin Seluruh Dunia 2011
  12. Guidelines for Newlyweds – from the book.
  13. Buku ‘Seks Suci Islam’: Akhbar salah lapor (web Free Malaysia Today)
  14. Press Release RASMI KTS tentang buku Seks Suci Islam
  15. Taking Sex to the PhD-Level
  16. KTS buat hal lagi – Amaran kepada penduduk Sarawak
  17. Terima kasih Berita Harian..
  18. Pengalaman Ustazah Hatijah Aam bertemu Rasulullah SAW
  19. Kandungan Buku Seks Islam Anti-Klimaks
September 2011
  1. Illuminati Menggunakan Seks untuk Memperhambakan Manusia
  2. Illuminati Use Sex to Degrade Us
  3. Lets fight against the Jews in Sexual Matters
  4. Filem & Skrip Penuh Fahrenheit 9/11
  5. Tsunami Aceh adalah satu hasil teknologi HAARP Amerika ! (Desperate)
  6. Tsunami II : Bab 3 – Abuya Ashaari & Amerika
  7. Tsunami II : Bab 4 – Perang Penuh Keajaiban
  8. Dunia diserang seks haram, termasuk 2 figur utama Malaysia
  9. Search Terms Popular
August 2011
  1. Ramadhan Mubarak
  2. Kursus Kelab Taat Suami / Obedient Wives Club Course
  3. Kata Pengantar buku :Tsunami Membuktikan Abuya Putra Bani Tamim ( Satria Piningit)
  4. Prakata buku Tsunami (ii)
  5. Promosi Web TVRSA – Saluran Roh Suci & Seks Suci Islam
  6. Power Kaabah dibuktikan oleh Sains
  7. Kaabah yang dikuasai Wahabi & Yahudi
  8. Bebaskan Kaabah !
  9. Muqaddimah : Buku Tsunami (II)
  10. Jawaban kepada soalan Saudara ‘Kamal’ tentang Tsunami
  11. Tsunami Asia membawa Mesej dari Tuhan
  12. Tsunami II : Bab 1 – TNI Jangan Perangi Aceh
  13. Surat Abuya Ashaari kepada SBY berkaitan GAM sebelum Tsunami
  14. Tsunami II : Bab 2 – Di Parlimen Aceh
  15. Abuya Masih Hidup ! ( Siri 1-4)
  16. Wahai Isteri, Taatlah jika dapat 50% !
  17. Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 2011
  18. Google puts up special Raya-Merdeka doodle
July 2011
  1. Saya tak sokong BERSIH !
  2. My Youtube Page is Back On after 2 Years
  3. Berkat doa semua : BERSIH walks into a Stadium
  4. BERSIH 2.0 didakwa terima dana asing jutaan RM
  5. Radio Show on Obedient Wives Club @Evening Edition BFM 89.9
  6. VIDEO : Obedient Wives Club discussion on BFM 89.9 Radio, July 6th 2011
  7. Menyanggah pendapat anti-hadis, Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa
  8. Agree to disagree with Dr Azlina? @In Conversation one-two-one
  9. Presiden KTS memperjelaskan di Berita Harian Singapura
  10. (III) Dialog Imaginasi Perisikan Yahudi – Bangsa (t) Melayu
  11. Be Obedient, Be Happy ! A Letter to Sisters in Islam from a member of OWC@heart
  12. Lelaki yang membayar untuk seks lebih cenderung melakukan jenayah dan keganasan
  13. Let’s Promote – HALAL PURE SEX is SUPERIOR to Forbidden Sex
  14. 14 lagi soalan KTS dijawab oleh Ustazah Hatijah Aam
  15. Seks Islam adalah zikir & ibadah yang amat tinggi
  16. Mari Perangi Seks Tajaan Yahudi dgn Seks Islam
  17. The Truth About Cheating
  18. Mujahadah nak Memblog !
June 2011
  1. Dialog ‘Imaginasi’ Perisikan Yahudi Terkini (II)
  2. Rahsia kejayaan tokoh guru : Aktiviti intelek (membaca dan seks setiap malam)
  3. Facebook Group counters ‘sexist’ wives club
  4. Kelab Taat Suami – susahnya menjadi isteri taat…!!
  5. Kelab Taat Suami / Obedient Wives Club
  6. Komen Orang Bujang dari Buluh Perindu.com
  7. Apa kata wanita lebihkan sikit taat kepada suami, OK?
  8. Seks itu Taboo – Dr Mashitah !
  9. Obedient Wives Club: ‘You’re mistaken’ – Malay Mail
  10. Bro Kucing Jantan yang malu @ alim kucing … ( Artikel Utusan Online )
  11. Jawapan kepada Menteri – memang Yahudi nak macam tu pun..
  12. Terimalah Seruan Kebenaran
  13. Kelab Isteri Taat – Pentingnya Roh Perkahwinan
  14. Gaduh Pasal Kartun : PAS <3 PKR Vs Utusan
  15. KTS menjawab hujah Dr Mashitah & seks dari sudut Islam
  16. KURSUS SOLAT 2 Julai 2011 ( Sabtu )
  17. Taat Sehingga Boleh Diliwat ? Mashitah Ibrahim
  18. The Controversy of the Obedient Wives Club
  19. Hampir separuh anak-anak di Barat hasil perzinaan : OWC Penyelamat !
  20. Kelab Taat Suami di Media Indonesia
  21. Wawancara KTS di TV Indonesia
  22. Obedient Wives Club in the News
May 2011
  1. Inilah Perutusan Rasulullah SAW kepada Vatican
  2. Pengalaman berjumpa Abuya setelah ‘pemergiannya’
  3. Satu Simbol New World Order
  4. A Letter to the Jews and the Vatican
  5. Terimakasih Saiful Bukhari Azlan
  6. Dialog ‘Imaginasi’ Perisikan Yahudi Terkini (I)
  7. Penjelasan Global Ikhwan Terkini (I)
  8. Tawassul dan Kesimpulan
  9. Penangan lagu Mawaddah !
  10. Wikileaks : PM & Pembunuhan Altantuya
  11. Abuya Ghaib? Keajaiban Roh – disisi Allah tiada yang mustahil.
  12. Penghinaan diikuti banjir besar melanda negeri-negeri BN (?)
  13. Pembelaan Untuk Abuya & Pengikutnya (!)
  14. Filem Hebat & Menarik
April 2011
  1. Manaqib Sheikh Suhaimi & Jawaban Kpd Tuduhan Pusat Islam
  2. Kebangkitan Semula & Kes Anwar
  3. Tabung Taqwa & Perniagaan di Mekah
  4. Parlimen Roh & Negara Islam
  5. Lari ke Jordan, Isu JAKIM
  6. Power Kaabah & Perhubungan Roh
  7. Isu Abuya Ghaib
  8. Penjenamaan Semula Al Arqam
  9. Persoalan Terkini tentang Global Ikhwan Sdn Bhd
  10. Video Wawancara dengan Ummu Jah di Mekah
  11. Pembelaan Ulama terhadap Aurad (himpunan wirid) Muhammadiah
  12. Tercari-cari Imam Mahdi as..
  13. Secret of Kaabah/ Rahsia Kaabah
 C L O S E D    B L O G   =   C L O G G E D    K E R A N A    I S U    S E M A S A
August 2009
  1. Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan
  2. Selamat Tinggal
July 2009
  1. Blog-owner akan berhijrah
June 2009 
  1. Runtuhan Bulan Sabit
  2. Liebt Gott, liebt Mitmenschen ( Ikhwan’s Website in Germany)
  3. Kuliah AF5 – Iyyakana’budu..
May 2009
  1. Tiga mp3 terbaru
  2. The Nun’s Story : Filem keagamaan
  3. Kuliah AF4 – Malikiyaumiddin
  4. Kuliah AF3 – Rabbal Alamin
  5. Rasulullah yang Ummiy, Ibu Segala Ilmu
  6. Experts : Virgin Coconut Oil Can Prevent Swine Flu
  7. Foto – foto baru di Flickr
April 2009
  1. Kuliah AF2 : Alhamdulillah 
  2. Kuliah AF1 – Bismillah
  3. Dialog rasahati Anwar Vs Najib
  4. Renungan
  5. PM Yang Berbusana Merah Jambu
  6. Analisa UMNO : Dinaikkan Untuk Jatuh
  7. Trouble- Maker in UMNO…?
Mac 2009
  1. UMNO : Imaginasi, Lakonan, Realiti
  2. Notifications
  3. (I) Siapa membantunya akan dibantu, yang menghinanya akan dihina!
  4. (II) Siapa membantunya akan dibantu, yang menghinanya akan dihina!
  6. Kejatuhan kuasa batil…
  7. (I) Aku Cinta Pada-MU : Hampir Bunuh Diri
  8. (II) Aku Cinta Pada-MU : Mengenal diriku yang Hina
  9. (III) Aku Cinta Pada-MU – Tuhan Cinta Agung
  10. Marhaban Ya Habibullah, Sayyidi Rasulullah s.a.w
  11. March 9, 2009 : Maulid – Observance of The Birthday of Prophet Muhammad
  12. Krisis Politik Kronik – Demokrasi di ambang kejatuhan
February 2009
  1. Watak dunia yang menunggu Penyelamat
  2. Filem ‘Warkah Untuk Suami’ di YouTube
  3. Analisa kemelut politik terkini
  4. Api Pembalasan untuk Gaza
  5. If We Do Recognize God / Kalau Tuhan Dikenali
  6. Isu Sesat : Pendapat Eksklusif Ulama
  7. Criticism on ‘Fatwa Making’ in Malaysia
  8. Kuning dulu, kuning sekarang
  9. Nasihat Untuk Pihak Yang Bertelagah
  10. Updates : ANWAR (vs God) VS NAJIB (vs rakyat & God)
  11. P36 – The Last Nail in UMNO’s coffin?
  12. Penyelamat yang dijanjikan Tuhan
January 2009
  1. Beloved Malaysia – the Second Medina
  2. Ilmu Ilham sumbernya dari Tuhan
  3. Mujaddid Dan Peranannya Dalam Menghadapi Israel
  4. Yakinlah, Islam akan kembali gemilang
  5. Hudud : Berbicaralah dengan suhu dingin
  6. Sebab adanya ulama yang menolak kedatangan Penyelamat itu
  7. Hanya kekuatan Roh yang dapat menawan Masjdil Aqsa
  8. Tokoh Islam pengasas himpunan wirid Muhammadiyah
  9. Yahudi menguasai segenap penjuru.
  10. II) Kelebihan Al Mahdi – Muhammad bin Abdullah ke 2
  11. ( I) Kelebihan Al Mahdi – Muhammad bin Abdullah ke 2
  12. Mengapa Israel gelojoh?!
  13. P36 – Pilih parti apapun asalkan bukan BN – ( rakyat )
December 2008
  1. Ikhwan website in Thai language
  2. (II) Strategi Menawan Barat
  3. (I) Strategi Menawan Barat
  4. POLITIK WANG : Pemberi Dan Penerima Rasuah Sama-Sama Masuk Neraka !
  5. Intipati Krisis Iraq
  6. Perang Iraq : Tanda kebenaran Rasulullah SAW
  7. Shoe throwing – a way to pent up frustration
  8. Wedding with eternity
  9. Kejatuhan Sistem Demokrasi di depan mata
  10. Aidiladha 1429H : Berkorbanlah untuk ISLAM.
  11. Di ambang kejatuhan empayar Amerika
  12. Mossad-CIA Connection To Mumbai Terror Attacks?
  13. Serangan Mumbai – Teori ‘Manchurian Candidate’?
November 2008
  1. Apa cita-citamu? Menjadi Rijalulullah
  2. Jika saya menjadi PM & I know, I just know - LAH.
  3. Hanya ada SATU Kuasa
  4. Obama : The Zionist Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes
  5. Altawasul.net : Israel launches Arabic YouTube channel
  6. Ikhwan Coffee House official website
  7. Video Korporat GISB
  8. Yang lemah, yang berkuasa
  9. Talqin : peringatan kpd yang masih hidup
  10. Umat Islam keliru mengharapkan Obama
  11. Mustahil tiada kaitan antara Obama & Yahudi
  12. VCD Alam barzakh – kupasan Quran dan Hadis
  13. Kepimpinan VAKUM : siapa layak mengisinya?
  14. Pakatan Rakyat – ‘A bridge too far’
October 2008
  1. Promosi blog Bahasa Jepun, Arab, Perancis
  2. New Page Created – Bahaya Syiah
  3. Syiah juga puak Sufyani?
  4. Kemenangan ISLAM itu PASTI, PASTI berlaku
  5. Khalifah yang dua belas dari kalangan Quraisy
  6. Gelaran ‘ Datuk’ di dalam hadis?
  7. (2) Mereka tidak menyokongnya, dia juga tidak menyokong mereka
September 2008
  1. Salam Aidilfitri 1429H, minal aidzin wal faidzin
  2. Apa selepas 16 September?
  3. Mereka tidak menyokongnya, dia juga tidak menyokong mereka
  4. selamat tinggal Ramadan
  5. masih ada waktu utk pecut menuju TAQWA
  6. Ramadan Menghidupkan hati yang mati
  7. Wawancara Anwar Ibrahim di Trans7 TV Indonesia
  8. Percaturan Barat Vs Kuasa Tuhan
  9. Doa – Senjata Orang Bertaqwa
  10. Soft Promotion Filem ‘WARKAH UNTUK SUAMI’
  11. The Truth in Permatang Paoh
August 2008
  1. Polygamy research
  2. Pilihanraya terkahir? – Pemilu yang pilu
  3. 50 dalil mem’promosikan’ Tuhan, manusia sudah melupakanNya
  4. Renongan & Nasehat untok PAS
  5. Berkuda, memanah, berenang, sunnah Rasulullah SAW
  6. Rawatan canggih ‘tabib’ (doktor) teknologi kerohanian
  7. MEMELUK ISLAM via teknologi kerohanian
  8. Mengapa taksub (terlalu taat)?
  9. Why ‘taksub’ (fanatically devoted) to a leader?
  10. The miracles of ‘karamah’ in God’s ISA
July 2008  
June 2008
May 2008
  1. Jentera Tuhan yang menciptakan sebutir nasi
  2. Harga makanan naik : Sekatan ekonomi dari TUHAN!
  3. The Banning of Darul Arqam – A ‘Sect’ With No Name
  4. Bila kebenaran diangkat, yang batil pasti sirna
  5. He will be sent when people differ & the Earth quakes !
  6. A nation heading towards destruction needs a miracle leader
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  14. Mengapa merangkak di atas salji?
April 2008
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  2. Islam Kini Yatim Piatu
  3. JIHAD and its misconception, the search for a Mujaddid
  4. Iklan Multimedia Produk Roti Ikhwan
  5. Towards the fall of western style political system : the demokrazy continues
  6. Roti Ikhwan in the news
  7. (I) Wibawa Pemimpin Islam (Hadhari) yang seharusnya
  8. Kenangan : video zaman Rufaqa dari Indonesia
  9. (II) Wibawa Pemimpin Islam (Hadhari) yang seharusnya
  10. Mahdi : The Mystery Solved?
  11. (III) Wibawa Pemimpin Islam (Hadhari) yang seharusnya
  12. Vivre Avec Dieu ( To Live with God )
  13. Mahdi : The Mystery Solved (.)
  14. (IV) Wibawa Pemimpin Islam (Hadhari) yang seharusnya
  15. Air Mata Iringi Pembukaan Semula Surau yg dikunci 8 Bulan
  16. Perutusan untuk Etnik Melayu UMNO
  17. Tun Dr Mahathir on BBC’s Hard Talk
  18. Ar Rafiqul A’la
  19. Ashabul Kahfi lari bersembunyi di gua demi CINTA AGUNG
  20. Tokoh ulama dari Keluarga Sayidi Sheikh As Suhaimi
March 2008
February 2008
January 2008
December 2007
November 2007
October 2007
September 2007
August 2007
July 2007
June 2007
May 2007
April 2007
March 2007
February 2007
Januari 2007
  1. Pokok yg dicantas JIN di Bario
  2. 26 lakaran objek dibentuk awan
  3. As Sayid Habib Nuh – Rahmat ke atas Singapura
  4. Nahas Misteri Pesawat Adam Air 2007
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  6. Amaran utk Blog Rufaqa Sesat, Wartawan, Ulama Rasmi!
  7. 37 Pendita Nasrani ‘menunggu’ Imam Mahdi
  8. Kasyaf:Ilmu Islam yg dilupakan
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  11. Fitnah GILA & MURTAD : MENJAWAB Mufti Perlis!
  12. Ustaz Sayid Taha Suhaimi – He Who Showed The Path
  13. Akidah: Suhana ‘Gadis Kristal’ & Global Warming
Disember 2006
November 2006  ( Time Stamp back Dated )
  1. *********************************************
 TAG Mahdi ( Klik untuk melihat entri lain yang bertag Mahdi)
  1. Imamul Mahdi is Mysterious?,
  2. Al Mahdi dari Timur : Arab-Melayu?,
  3. Ijtihad :  Pengakuan Cucu Sheikh Suhaimi,
  4. Astora Jabat : Tidak Ada Imam Mahdi yg Akan Muncul?,
  5. Karamah Lahiriah Sheikh Suhami:Bhg 2-Ghaib!,
  6. Karamah Lahiriah Sheikh Suhaimi - Bhg1,
  7. Ibadah & Amalan Sheikh Suhaimi
  8. Sheikh Suhaimi Dituduh Membuat Duit Palsu
  9. ‘Ramalan’ Nostradamus & Wali 9
  10. 37 Pendita Nasrani ‘menunggu’ Imam Mahdi
  11. CLUE Al Mahdi:Tentera Yg Ditenggelamkan! & Dia dighaibkan
  12. Kemunculan Penyelamat Islam, Barat diambang KETAKUTAN!
  13. Biografi Ringkas Muhamad bin Abdullah AsSuhaimi
  14. Al Mahdi in Hadeeth

TV Nur Muhammad – Remaja GISB Australia

 Ikhwan Cafe, Geraldton. Nama asal Zumala Cafe, di zaman Rufaqa Corp.
 Mawaddah bersama bekas PM Australia, John Howard.
Food Van milik GISB Australia

TV: Your Mind. Controlled.

Are large segments of the American public literally walking around in a hypnotic trance?

Melissa Melton
Activist Post

Michael Snyder, of The American Dream, wrote this almost two years ago:
Our society is rapidly coming apart at the seams and people are seriously starting to lose it… Way too many Americans seem to be losing all sense of what is right and what is wrong. Way too many Americans seem to be losing all sense of what it means to treat others with dignity and respect… It is almost as if some sort of mental illness is spreading throughout our society that is expressing itself in thousands of different ways. We are seeing anger, rage, malice and brutality rise to very dangerous levels. Our population has become way too greedy, proud, selfish and hateful. America is on a very dangerous road and we need to wake up.
A general sense of apathy is spreading through the populace like a cancer and it begs the question: even if we wanted to “wake up,” could we?

According to last year’s Nielsen report, the average American over the age of two years old watches more than 34 hours of television per week, plus at least three more hours of taped programming. The report also noted that the amount of time we spend watching television increases as we get older.

Back in 1969, a man named Herbert Krugman conducted a series of experiments regarding the effect of television on a person’s brainwaves. What he found was pretty startling:
Krugman monitored a person through many trials and found that in less than one minute of television viewing, the person’s brainwaves switched from Beta waves — brainwaves associated with active, logical thought — to primarily Alpha waves. When the subject stopped watching television and began reading a magazine, the brainwaves reverted to Beta waves.

‘Beta’ is considered a normal, awake state, while ‘Alpha’ waves are experienced in a deep relaxation or ‘daydreaming’ state. When in the Alpha state, a person is subjected to a passive learning experience with the right side of the brain at the wheel, leaving critical thinking skills behind.

Type ‘television’ and ‘low vibrational energy’ into a search engine, and it’ll quickly return the fact that watching a lot of TV is like undressing your mind and submerging it into a bath of negative energy. TV effectively numbs the left side of your brain and renders you helpless to your right brain which is incapable of decoding and critically analyzing the information being presented to you. Essentially, you go on ‘auto-pilot’.

Thus, everyone is put into a hypnotic state that author Wes Moore says, “produces highly functional, mobile ‘bio-survival robots.’” There’s a reason he dubbed television an "opiate of the masses."
TV programs us. We tune in, drop out and stop asking questions.

Some of Krugman’s more interesting conclusions from his 1969 TV brainwave research include:

  • “Internal Alpha responses can be stimulated by appropriate external rhythms or frequencies.”
  • “The time may come when the mass media may create special programs to help people modify certain attitudes or behavior.”
  • “This means that passively learned material has an important ‘advantage’ which some have also associated with so called subliminal perception, extrasensory perception, or hypnotism.”
  • “For early education there may be an opportunity to accept the fact that many children fidget in class, and that this interference with their attention is not to be blamed on parents, teachers, or the child. Mild drugging of these children, or training in relaxation through Alpha driving, may be dramatically helpful to their educational achievement.” [Emphasis Added]
  • “For public television there may be an opportunity to accept without shame the fact that it has taught violence to an entire generation. The clear store of television violence is not that a new generation is more violent but that the new generation knows more violence. The political consequences of this may yet be what some would call ‘good’ (e.g., pacifist).” [Emphasis Added]
  • “It is possible that the relaxed and successful character of passive learning can be enhanced by the artificial induction of Alpha rhythm, this with the aid of a flickering light.” [Emphasis Added]
Your brain on TV, ladies and gentlemen. It’s a basic form of mind control.

The bulk of Krugman’s research sounds eerily reminiscent of the concept of ‘sleep-learning’ (also known as sleep-teaching or hypnopaedia) — literally teaching someone something as they sleep — as portrayed in Aldous Huxley’s 1932 novel Brave New World.

Interestingly, two scientists were able to debunk sleep-learning on its face in 1956, unless Alpha waves were involved:
Researchers concluded that learning during sleep was ‘impractical and probably impossible.’ They reported that stimulus material presented during sleep was not recalled later when the subject awoke unless alpha wave activity occurred at the same time the stimulus material was given.
It should be noted that Krugman has spent many decades at General Electric (GE) headquarters as corporate manager of public-opinion research, a job he took in 1967. The company had a few good reasons to get excited by Krugman’s findings. After all, GE founded the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) in 1919, and a few years later RCA would found the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) in 1926. GE also bought a majority share of Universal Pictures in 2004.

GE also has extensive ties to the military-industrial complex, resulting in propaganda campaigns straight from it’s child company NBC. Here’s just one example:
NBC’s owner General Electric designed, manufactured or supplied parts or maintenance for nearly every major weapon system used by the U.S. during the Gulf War… In other words, when correspondents and paid consultants on NBC television praised the performance of U.S. weapons, they were extolling equipment made by GE, the corporation that pays their salaries.
In other words, there’s a very lucrative reason to sell war to the masses … and war, by far, is not the only thing the TV sells us.

Krugman also wrote “The Impact of Television Advertising: Learning without Involvement,” in which he stated that people exposed to what they have seen on television never forget these images:
There is a myth in the advertising world that viewers will forget your message if you don’t repeat your advertising often enough. It is this myth that supports many large advertising expenditures… I would rather say the public comes closer to forgetting nothing they have seen on TV. They just ‘put it out of their minds’ until and unless it has some use… and [then] the response to the commercial continues. [Emphasis Added]
So once you have experienced something on television, your brain is effectively desensitized to it and you remember what you have seen forver.

1953 MKUltra experiment record
Seems ready-made for abuse by anyone who desires to peddle propaganda, doesn’t it?

Nothing about what I have written makes me feel anymore comfortable about the fact that our government spent billions subsidizing the switchover from analog to digital broadcasting, a move that was meant to take full effect across the nation in 2009.

You know, because the government that is wholesale spying on us through the National Security Administration and other alphabet organizations cares so much about our television’s picture quality.

This is, after all, the same government who designed a despicable covert mind control research program called MKUltra that began after World War II which the Central Intelligence Agency admitted to on record but claims to have stopped in 1973. The program dealt in trauma-based mind control (The ‘MK’ stands for ‘mind kontrolle’ in German).

Krugman wrote yet another article in 2000, “Memory Without Recall, Exposure Without Perception” where he posited:

I suspect that the classes are moving apart psychologically and culturally. Even if incomes were mandated to be equal, the left-brain people and the right-brain people have different communication patterns. We may, therefore, split into two cultures, two increasingly separate societies.
Some people cannot seem to break their trance, break their programming. They readily believe whatever the mainstream media tells them — a media beholden to the establishment agenda — without critical analysis and act accordingly. The breakdown appears to go beyond economic or political factors, but something effecting the very fabric of society itself.

Others have ‘broken their programming’, realized something is very very wrong here, and are asking questions. Think about what’s going on in our country today and ask yourself: “What the hell happened?”
As real-life experience is increasingly replaced by the mediated ‘experience’ of television-viewing, it becomes easy for politicians and market-researchers of all sorts to rely on a base of mediated mass experience that can be evoked by appropriate triggers. 
The TV ‘world’ becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy: the mass mind takes shape, its participants acting according to media-derived impulses and believing them to be their own personal volition arising out of their own desires and needs. In such a situation, whoever controls the screen controls the future, the past, and the present. (Nelson, The Perfect Machine, p. 82)

Melissa Melton is a co-founder of TruthstreamMedia.com, where this first appeared. She is an experienced researcher, graphic artist and investigative journalist with a passion for liberty and a dedication to truth. Her aim is to expose the New World Order for what it is — a prison for the human soul from which we must break free.
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